The Geo Ice Has Broken
Last night was the icebreaker for the AGI GeoCommunity conference in Stratford-upon-Avon (but not Stratford-upon-Avon, oh no, that's the district not the town you know) and the run up to the conference has started extremely well, with the added bonus for me that John McKerrell of used a quote from one of my decks as the #geocom landing page. Twitter is abuzz with commentary on what's happening and who's going to be doing what, all accompanied by the eponymous #geocom hashtag and everyone's hoping that the conference lives up to their expectations. As Thierry Gregorious aptly put it on Twitter "#geocom If this feed is producing messages at current rate, will people be glued to their mobiles instead of the presentations?" ... we shall see.The ice breaker dinner well and truly broke ice and I landed up on a table full of geostrangers and Andrew Turner; as table 24 we put in a rather respectable joint second place in the 100 question quiz, but then crashed and burned to 3rd place after not being nearly accurate enough in the tie-breaker question on when precisely did the Berlin Wall come down.After a surprisingly good dinner, with surprisingly good wine we sat through a surprising, and intriguing, comedienne who appeared to be the result of a union between Jasper Carrot and Victoria Wood. It was certainly an experience.Finally everyone headed to the bar where some overworked and entirely good natured bar staff served us geolibations, geolagulavins and geo-gin-and-tonics until the early hours.And the conference hasn't even begun yet ... Posted via email from Gary's Posterous