WP Biographia supports multiple filters, which are described in more detail below. The plugin's filters allow you to:

  • change the default set of installation settings and options at plugin activation time
  • modify and/or enhance the set of contact information fields the plugin adds to the author's profile
  • modify and/or enhance the contact links that are added to the Biography Box by the plugin
  • modify the position of the Biography Box to before or after the post content returned by the_content() and/or the_excerpt()
  • hide the display of the Biography Box entirely under user-defined circumstances
  • modify and/or enhance the Biography Box that is produced by the [wp_scs][wp_biographia][/wp_scs] shortcode
  • modify and/or enhance the format and content of the contact links that are added to the Biography Box by the plugin
  • modify and/or enhance the Biography Box that is produced for an RSS feed
  • modify and/or enhance the entirety of the Biography Box


Applied to the default set of plugin settings and options. Note that this filter is called once, upon plugin activation, when there are no WP Biographia settings/options existing in the database.

Example: Add the date and time that the plugin was first activated
[php] add_filter ('wp_biographia_default_settings', 'add_activation_timestamp'); function add_activation_timestamp ($options) { // options = array (option name => option value) $options['plugin_activation_timestamp'] = date (DATE_ATOM); return $options; } [/php]


Applied to the default set of contact information fields that are added to an author's profile by the plugin. Note that in order to add and display a new contact link to the Biography Box, the contact link must be added to the value returned by the wp_biographia_link_items filter as well as the value returned by this filter.

Example: Add Pinterest as a supported contact information field
[php] add_filter ('wp_biographia_contact_info', 'add_pinterest_support'); function add_pinterest_support ($contacts) { // contacts = array (field => array (field => field-name, contactmethod => description)) $contacts['pinterest'] = array ( 'field' => 'pinterest', 'contactmethod' => __('Pinterest') ); return $contacts; } [/php]


Applied to the default set of contact links that are added to the Biography Box by the plugin. Note that in order to add and display a new contact link, the contact information field must be added to the value returned by the wp_biographia_contact_info filter as well as the value returned by this filter. Note that $icon_dir_url will by default contain the URL of the images directory within the plugin directory, which will look something like /wp-content/plugins/wp-biographia/images/ (the trailing slash is important). If an alternate icon directory has been specified in the plugin's settings and options, then $icon_dir_url will contain this alternate, configured, directory URL. If the icon you want to add for a new contact link doesn't reside in the directory URL mentioned previously, you'll need to set $icon_dir_url to point to your own custom location.

Example: Add Pinterest as a supported contact link in the Biography Box
[php] add_filter ('wp_biographia_link_items', 'add_pinterest_link', 10, 2); function add_pinterest_link ($links, $icon_dir_url) { // links = array (field => array (link_title => title, link_text => text, link_icon => URL) $links['pinterest'] = array ( 'link_title' => __('Pinterest'), 'link_text' => __('Pinterest'), 'link_icon' => $icon_dir_url . 'pinterest.png' ); return $links; } [/php]


Applied to the format string used to position the Biography Box before the post content or after the post content that is returned by the_content() and/or the_excerpt().

Example: Insert a header between post content and Biography Box
[php] add_filter ('wp_biographia_pattern', 'insert_biography_header'); function insert_biography_header ($pattern) { return '%1$s<p class="biography-header">About The Author</p>%2$s'; } [/php]


Allows display of the Biography Box to be hidden under user-defined circumstances. This only affects the display of the Biography Box that is configured via the plugin's admin screen or via the shortcode in configured mode.

Example: Suppress the Biography Box
[php] add_filter ('wp_biographia_pre', 'suppress_biography_box'); function suppress_biography_box ($flag) { return true; } [/php]


Applied to the current instance of the Biography Box that is produced via the [wp_scs][wp_biographia][/wp_scs] shortcode.

Example: Apply shortcode specific CSS to the Biography Box
[php] add_filter ('wp_biographia_links', 'add_shortcode_css', 10, 2); function add_shortcode_css ($content, $params) { // params = array (mode => shortcode-mode, author => author-id, prefix => prefix-string, name => name-option) return '<div class="custom-shortcode-css">' . $content . '</div>'; } [/php]


Applied to the title of the Biography Box.

Example: Override the name prefix for all uses of the Biography Box
[php] add_filter ('wp_biographia_content_title', 'override_name_prefix', 10, 3); function override_name_prefix ($content, $name_prefix, $formatted_name) { return 'This is ' . $formatted_name; } [/php]


Applied to the formatted set of contact links for the current instance of the Biography Box

Example: Replace the default text link separator character (the pipe symbol "|") with a dash ("-").
[php] add_filter ('wp_biographia_links', 'replace_link_separator', 10, 3); function replace_link_separator ($content, $links, $params) { // links = array (link-item) // params = array (glue => separator-string, class => link-item-css-class-name, // prefix => links-prefix-html, postfix => links-postfix-html) return str_replace ($params['glue'], ' - ', $content); } [/php]
Example: Wrap the formatted content links in an additional HTML div
[php] add_filter ('wp_biographia_links', 'wrap_links', 10, 3); function wrap_links ($content, $links, $params) { // links = array (link-item) // params = array (glue => separator-string, class => link-item-css-class-name, // prefix => links-prefix-html, postfix => links-postfix-html) $new_prefix = '<div class="custom-link-class">' . $params['prefix']; $new_postfix = $params['postfix'] . '</div>'; return $new_prefix . implode ($params['glue'], $links) . $new_postfix; } [/php]


Applied to each active contact link, in the order in which they are processed by the plugin.

Example: Force all links that point to the current site to open in a new window
[php] add_filter ('wp_biographia_link_item', 'filter_link_item', 10, 2); function filter_link_item ($content, $params) { // $params = array ( // 'type' => 'link type (icon|text)', // 'format' => 'link format string', // 'meta' => 'additional anchor attributes', // 'title' => 'link title', // 'url' => 'link URL', // 'body' => 'link body text', // 'link-class' => 'link CSS class name', // 'item-class' => 'link item CSS class name (icons only)' // ); $site_url = site_url (); $pos = strpos ($params['url'], $site_url); if ($pos !== false) { $params['meta'] = 'target="_blank"'; } if ($params['type'] === 'icon') { $content = sprintf ($params['format'], $params['url'], $params['meta'], $params['title'], $params['link-class'], $params['body'], $params['item-class']); } else { $content = sprintf ($params['format'], $params['url'], $params['meta'], $params['title'], $params['link-class'], $params['body']); } return $content; } [/php]


Applied to the current instance of the Biography Box that is produced via the site's RSS feed.

Example: Apply RSS feed specific CSS to the Biography Box
[php] add_filter ('wp_biographia_feed', 'add_feed_css'); function add_feed_css ($content) { return '<div class="custom-feed-css">' . $content . '</div>'; } [/php]


Applied to the entire content of the current instance of the Biography Box.

Example: Remove all WP Biographia CSS classes commencing wp-biographia- and replace them with custom CSS classes that adhere to the plugin's CSS class naming convention.
[php] add_filter ('wp_biographia_biography_box', 'replace_css_classes', 10, 2); function replace_css_classes ($biography, $items) { $new_content = array (); foreach ($items as $item) { $new_content[] = str_replace ('wp-biographia-', 'custom-', $item); } return implode ('', $new_content); } [/php]