WP Biographia supports two template tags that can be used in your theme's template files. These are described in more detail below; for a full description of the use of each tag's argument, see the Shortcode Support And Usage section. The plugin's tags allow you to:

  • produce the Biography Box and assign the HTML for the Biography Box to a string.
  • produce the Biography Box and echo the results immediately.


Description: Retrieves the Biography Box. This template tags renders the Biography Box and returns it to the caller as a string. To display the Biography Box immediately, use the wpb_the_biography_box template tag.


[php] <php $biography_box = wpb_get_biography_box ($mode, $user, $prefix, $name, $role, $type, $order); ?> [/php]


  • $mode - (string) (optional) Override the Biography Box mode (raw|configured). Default: raw.
  • $user - (string) (optional) Override the source user (login-name|*). Default: the current user's login name.
  • $prefix - (string) (optional) Override the Biography Box title prefix. Default: use the plugin's settings.
  • $name - (string) (optional) Override the selected user's name format (account-name|first-last-name|nickname|display-name|none). Default: use the plugin's settings.
  • $role - (string) (optional) Override the selected user's role when used in wildcard mode. Specify one or more of the following, as a comma separated list (administrator|editor|author|contributor|subscriber). Default: none.
  • $type - (string) (optional) Override the type of the biography text (full|excerpt). Default: use the plugin's settings.
  • $order - (string) (optional) Override the sort order when used in wildcard mode (account-name|first-name|last-name|nickname|display-name|login-id). Default: account-name.


Description: Displays the Biography Box. This template tags renders the Biography Box and displays it immediately. To get the current Biography Box as a string, use the wpb_get_biography_box template tag.


[php] <?php wpb_the_biography_box ($mode, $user, $prefix, $name, $role, $type, $order); ?> [/php]


  • $mode - (string) (optional) Override the Biography Box mode (raw|configured). Default: raw.
  • $user - (string) (optional) Override the source user (login-name|*). Default: the current user's login name.
  • $prefix - (string) (optional) Override the Biography Box title prefix. Default: use the plugin's settings.
  • $name - (string) (optional) Override the selected user's name format (account-name|first-last-name|nickname|display-name|none). Default: use the plugin's settings.
  • $role - (string) (optional) Override the selected user's role when used in wildcard mode. Specify one or more of the following, as a comma separated list (administrator|editor|author|contributor|subscriber). Default: none.
  • $type - (string) (optional) Override the type of the biography text (full|excerpt). Default: use the plugin's settings.
  • $order - (string) (optional) Override the sort order when used in wildcard mode (account-name|first-name|last-name|nickname|display-name|login-id). Default: account-name.