Right Now

⏳ Waiting for the APIs in the Cloud for what's going on right now ...

Visualising Tag Clouds

If you haven't played with Wordle yet, I strongly suggest you point your browser of choice there right now and see what gorgeous visualisations of tags it comes up with. This is my delicious tag cloud ...

Playing with tag clouds: https://delicious.com/vicchi

... this is the tag cloud for this blog ...

Playing with tag clouds: /

... and this is the tag cloud for the blog I write for work.

Playing with tag clouds: https://www.ygeoblog.com/

All of which were produced using the default settings, with no tweaking, shows just how varied my personal approach to tagging is and how strongly tied to usage my tags are.

Contextual Location (and Echoecho Redux)

I recently wrote about echoecho, an SMS based location sharing service and rather dismissed it as another PlayTxt or DodgeBall, both of which are now shuttered, and argued that EchoEcho fails my Theory of Stuff.

Nick Bicanic, the CEO of Purpose Wireless, the company behind echoecho was good enough to look me up and drop me a long email commenting on my blog post and -- very politely -- pointed out that I might want to revisit my opinion of the service. An edited version of that email to me formed the basis of his latest blog post on the topic of location as a context.