Right Now

⏳ Waiting for the APIs in the Cloud for what's going on right now ...

Through The (Fish Tank) Window

And in a change from my normal bloggage, I'm forsaking the usual posts about matters geo, location and maps and briefly returning to my occasional "through the window" series of posts.

I'm back in Berlin at the Radisson Blu hotel in the Mitte district. It's not every day you get to look through your hotel room window and see 900,000 litres of sea water and around 2600 fish swimming around, 6 floors up, without a care in the world.

Window Cleaning. The Hard Way

The Berlin Aquadom even has its own team of cleaners, who clean the tank the hard way, from the inside, whilst wearing a wetsuit and SCUBA gear.

Normal geo related bloggage will return in the next post.