Posts tagged as "curiously"

Curiously Cartographic Creations #3 - The Special Relationship

Odd map of the London Underground? Check. Maps of how Swedes and Hungarians see Europe? Check. Ah ... but what about how our neighbours across the Atlantic see the world? You know, the country that has a special relationship with the United Kingdom? I have just the very thing for you. Let's start with a nice simplified version of the world.

The World according to America

He may no longer be Mr. President but apparently George. W. Bush had a curious grasp of the world's geography.

The World According to Dubya

Keeping with the theme of President of the United States, this highly colourful view of the world comes from the mind of a Mr. Reagan. Allegedly.

The World According to Ronald Reagan

Photo Credits: irobot00 on Flickr.