In the Spirit of Experimentation, Part 2

Posterous continues to impress and is fast becoming the main source of blog posts, both on my Posterous blog and autoposted onto my main blog.

We're all good Web 2.0 citizens these days and that means we tag everything; the Posterous FAQ has this to say on the subject of tags: "Add tags simply in the subject of your email using the syntax ((tag: apple, gadgets)). You can see your tags on the homepage of your site and click on them to see those posts."

So, in the continued spirit of experimentation, this post is tagged with "experimentation", "posterous", "autopost" and "wordpress" via the subject line "In the Spirit of Experimentation, Part 2 ((tag: experimentation, posterous, autopost, wordpress))"; let's see how this gets reflected in the post and in the autoposted WordPress version.

Posted via email from Gary's Posterous


There's nothing like being at the seaside; the cry of seagulls, the tang of ozone in the air, Blackfriars Bridge, The Gherkin and St. Paul's Cathedral in the distance ...

Blackfriars Bridge? It's easy to forget that the Thames is tidal and if you time it right that there's several stretches of beach at low tide.

Some parts of the shoreline even have sand, though the daily high tide does mean that sandcastles are seldom seen.

Posted via email from Gary's Posterous

Hopes and Dreams

This weekend's clear out uncovered these two items of apparel.

The one at the back is a replica shirt from the always-the-underdog- even-when-they-get-to-the-Superbowl. The one at the front is from the, defunct since 1998, World League of American Football and NFL Europe team the London Monarchs.

The former reached the Superbowl four times but have never managed to quite get there. I still live in hope.

The latter won World Ball 1 in 1991 at the old Wembley Stadium. I was there and it was an amazing season with only 1 loss during the entire regular season.

What a lot of hopes and dreams invested in two pieces of clothing.

Posted via email from Gary's Posterous

In the Spirit of Experimentation

Posterous is a service that just begs for experimentation; not only because it's a beautifully simplistic yet rich service but also because the Help and FAQ pages can be a little bit light on detail for some of the less obvious questions; probably to avoid scaring those of a less-power-user-frame-of-mind away.

So the Posterous FAQ at says this "We'll do smarter things for photos, MP3's, documents and video (both links AND files)".

Link eh? In the spirit of experimentation let's try this, firstly from the easy and obvious one ...

... and rival ...

... and from my Flickr photostream ...

... and finally a more challenging one, from my Facebook photo album ...

... there's only one way to find out, so let's send this to Posterous right now and see what happens; all in the spirit of experimentation naturally.

Posted via email from Gary's Posterous

Deliciousness: yet more bacon, Snow Leopard, Hitchhiker's, WhereCamp Europe, under your feet and shell scripts for your baby.

This week's trawl through what appeared on the interwebs and made it into my Delicious bookmarks.

Posted via email from Gary's Posterous