Posts categorised as "blog"

Deliciousness: more bacon, UK geek location, your PIN number, birds tweeting, Ohio as a piano, OMG and WTF and UNIX turns 40.

A semi regular, almost weekly, trawl through the latest stuff on the interwebs bookmarked on Delicious.

Deliciousness: broken customer service, Twitter on a PostIt, speaking to dogs, the end of the world and Tube maps.

This week's selection of what I bookmarked on Delicious.

Deliciousness: data, licensing, WordPress autosaves, cheese in space and lots of Nutella

More intriguing, interesting and just plain bonkers stuff from the information hose pipe we call the internet:

  • Starting off with a serious note, Ed Parsons, my opposite number at Google, wrote a great blog post on the knots that data licensing can tie you up in and why you end up paying more for a leased digital version than you do for the physical paper version.
  • WordPress started bugging me about an auto-saved version of a blog post I didn't want to keep but couldn't get rid of. Turns out there's no way to do this from the WordPress dashboard but some MySQL hackery did the trick.
  • "I am, and am VERY badly affected by being in close proximity to WiFi and other microwave transmission sources. Not that I’d expect you or anyone else who isn’t adversely affected to believe me". The rest of the story on the Daily Telegraph blog is priceless.
  • Ofcom confirmed what anyone with the UK ADSL line already knows, that the average UK broadband speed is just over half of what's being advertised and paid for.
  • A US highway exit sign got every word misspelled, apart from the word "exit".
  • Forget putting men on Mars or getting the Space Shuttle working; we put cheese into space, tracked it, lost it and found it again. Makes you proud to be British.
  • Someone likes Nutella. A lot.
  • And finally, if your iPhone gets a text message containing a single square character. Turn it off. Turn it off now.

Deliciousness: USB dogs, children on espresso, recursion and Twitter spammers

This week's selection of what caught my eye on the interwebs:

The Album Cover Meme

Twitter can expand your horizons or just make wasting time a pleasure; here's a good example thanks to @SianySianySiany - the Album Cover meme.

Album Cover Art?

It's devastingly simple. Here's how it works:

First you need a name for your band or group. Fire up Wikipedia, click on "Random article" or on this link: The title of the random article is your band name.

Next you'll need a name for your band's breakthrough album. Go to, click on "Random Quotes" or on this link: The last four or five words of the last quote on the page are your album's title.